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1. Club members and other interested parties responded well to the proposed change of our club’s zoning from Residential to Mixed Use Residential, a more intensive use.

A 115 submissions were received and all were in favour of changing the use of our land to Open Space – sports and active recreation.

Any work that the Club progresses through Plan Change 78 will take years and would likely fall outside the scope of this Plan Change anyway, and would result in a lot of wasted time, effort and money to force the change.

1. To protect and ensure our ongoing activities, we would need to propose a private change plan to rezone our land from Residential Mixed Housing Suburban to Open Space – Sport and Active Recreation. This can only be done in accordance with Section 32 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This is not something the Club or members have the expertise to themselves. It require a planning consultant and legal advice.

Cost would be involved in the application, processing and review stages.

2. Richard Brabant, a retired planning consultant, with Tania Richmond (legal expertise and liaison with the city council) in assistance, were approached to clarify the process. Richard was involved in previous two changes to golf course re-zonings in Auckland.

Discussions will take place with Richard and Tania to determine the cost package to complete our proposed private application. The most contentious area for costs and possibly the most expensive, should the city council decide that our proposed private plan change application needs to go to public consultation. The likelihood will be determined and reported to members.

3. Once our property has been rezoned, the Club can apply for a Rates review. It is expected that the amount of Rates will be reduced by about half; down to about $10,000.00 which will go some way to justifying the cost to go through the private plan change process.

4. Richard strongly suggested that a private change plan needs to be submitted as soon as possible to avoid any issues with the way the Club uses the land. Richard has kindly offered to meet with the Board to explain in more detail and to answer any questions the Board may have.

5. The Board therefore resolved to employ the services of Richard Braband to prepare a private application as stated in this letter. Members will be kept informed of all progress.


Thank you


The Board

Redwood Park Golf Club
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